The effects of Caffeine and Blood Sugar If you have type 2 Diabetes


According to doctors at WebMD, if you have type 2 Diabetes, coffee, chocolate, tea, or sodas, can affect your blood sugar Most people consume caffeine daily, which is usually okay for healthy individuals. If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, caffeine might make it difficult to control your blood sugar.

How Caffeine Affects Your Blood Sugar?

Research indicates individuals with type 2 diabetes respond to caffeine differently. Caffeine can raise blood sugar and insulin levels.

In a study, One analysis showed that people with type 2 diabetes, who received a 250-milligram caffeine tablet at breakfast and another at lunchtime had an increase in blood sugar levels. That's an almost identical quantity to consuming two cups of coffee per meal, those individuals' blood sugar was 8% higher than on days of nonconsumption of caffeine. Caffeine can affect how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that lets sugar enter your cells and change into energy.

If Caffeine, decreases your sensitivity to insulin, your cells don’t respond to the hormone as much as before. Absorption of most of the sugar from your blood after you eat or drink does not occur, causing your body to make more insulin, so you have higher levels after meals. Raised blood sugar levels over time, may increase your likelihood of diabetes complications, such as nerve damage or heart disease.

Scientists are nonetheless learning how caffeine affects your insulin and blood sugar levels. to learn more visit WebMD.

By Anita Johnson-Brown

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