Los Angeles
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Los Angeles Weather: Sunday March 23

High: 64°
Low: 52°
Wind: 5 MPH SW
Chance of rain: 0%
Partly Cloudy , with a high of 64 and low of 52 degrees. Partly Cloudy during the morning,
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
Los Angeles county News alert
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
Major Storm to Impact LA Sunday-Tuesday
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
The educational campaign reminds residents that ocean pollution begins at home.
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles County COVID-19 Statistics
Los Angeles and Los Angeles County COVID-19 Coverage and Statistics
There have been 3,742,340 cases in a county with a population of 10,039,107
n/a cases per 100,000
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
District Attorney Gascón Announces Conviction of Sheriff's Deputy in Fatal On-Duty Shooting
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
Northridge Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Stalking Charge and Admits to Threatening Mass Shooting of Synagogues
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
California Man Arrested on Felony and Misdemeanor Charges for Actions During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
On Jan. 19, FDA issued marketing denial orders (MDOs) to Shenzhen Youme Information Technology Co. Ltd. for two Suorin brand e-cigarette products and to Fontem US, LLC for their blu PLUS+ brand e-cigarette products. The companies must not market or distri
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
Year in Review: DEA Innovates to Fight Fentanyl
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
U.S. Attorney and ATF Release New Public Service Announcement Warning Against Possession of Machine Gun Conversion Devices
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
FSIS Issues Public Health Alert For Frozen Mushroom Risotto Products Due To Misbranding And Undeclared Allergens
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
A few California Laws you need to know about
Anita Johnson-Brown
Los Angeles
Public Notices and Press Releases
Valley Meats, LLC, Recalls Ground Beef Products Due to Possible E. Coli O157:H7 Contamination
Anita Johnson-Brown