Explosion in Downtown L. A.


On October 6th, 2023 at 8:16 pm, an explosion occurred in Downtown LA at 2328 E Washington Bl, as shown on the map at https://bit.ly/3ZMDgH9. The explosion caused structural damage to a two-story row of commercial buildings that had previously experienced an explosion. There is no current active fire, further explosions, escalating or off-site hazards, or injuries reported.

The LAFD Hazardous Materials specialists are present on the scene to assess and investigate the situation and determine a safe course of action. Since there is no escalating hazard, firefighters will take a slow and methodical approach, with caution, to isolate the area and proceed with their assessment.


It was reported that at 11:57 pm on 2039 S Santa Fe Av, no hazardous materials were found at the scene. LAFD HazMat specialists conducted a thorough search of the area and all readings came back normal. Their operation was completed just before midnight and L.A. IMPACT Task Force took over the scene. LAFD units will clear the scene and there is nothing further to report.

By Anita Johnson-Brown

Photo: The Los Angeles News 

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