Rosalynn Carter Deceased At 96


PLAINS, GA — Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter passed away on Sunday, November 19, at her residence in Plains, As reported by the Carter Center. Mrs. Carter was 96-years-old.

According to the Carter Center, the former First Lady expired peacefully, surrounded by family, She suffered from dementia and declined in health over the years. The family announced on Friday, November 17, 2023, that Carter was admitted to hospice care in her home.

Mrs Carter was joined in Holy Matrimony to Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States and a 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner, for seventy-seven years. Mr. Carter is ninety-nine years of age and receiving end-of-life hospice care since February 2023.

Jimmy Carter is the longest-lived U.S. president. Rosalynn Carter was the second longest-lived of the nation's first ladies, following only Bess Truman, who passed at age 97. 

Rosalyn Carter leaves behind her husband Jimmy Carter her children — Jack, Chip, Jeff, and Amy, 11 grandkids, and 14 great-grandchildren. A grandson passed away in 2015.

To many Rosalynn was known as a spirited advocate of mental soundness, caregiving, and women’s rights.

By Anita Johnson-Brown

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