Man Dies after being Stuck in a tree in Cheviot Hills

At 1:20 p.m., on November 21, LAFD was dispatched to 10340 W Glenbarr Ave, regarding a male tree trimmer entrapped approximately 20-25' up a tree.

Once at the scene the man was found unresponsive and seems to have been electrocuted. Firefighters prepared for a technological recovery. LADWP was called to the scene to help with energy line managing.

LADWP de-energized the power lines and fire officials utilized a ground ladder to contact the adult male who looked to be about 30 years of age, he was medically assessed,  But the victim was beyond medical aid and was determined expired on the scene. Firefighters conducted recovery procedures to get the man to land level. The incident will turned over to the LAPD for investigation along with The LA County Medical Examiner. 

No further information is available currently. 

By Anita Johnson-Brown

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