Knowledge Drop


Historically, casinos - or as they were known in the early days of gambling, gambling houses - provided a high-stakes chance for big winnings for small-time losers. They beat the bottom out of the bottom dollar and later became high-end spots for staycations, top-of-the-line entertainment, and a bask of other luxuries.

Casinos have a long history that dates back to 1600 when the first casino the Ridotto, was invented in 1638 by the Great Council of Venice to manage controlled gambling amid the carnival season.
 In the 1800s, gambling houses became more common in Europe and eventually appeared in the US. Around 1850, the first known slot machine was invented. It wasn't until 1930 that gambling became legalized in certain states, creating gambling hubs like Las Vegas, Nevada, and Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Online gambling has become the new craze, However,  check your state to make it legal, betting may not be not permitted in certain types of employment, or age, so make sure you know the facts first, gambling may also become an addiction.  Be solo and socially responsible.

By Anita Johnson-Brown

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