The Food Dumper


Have you ever wondered why your pet knocks over their food bowl, smells their food, and then after pondering for a moment, digs in furiously? Experts at Wag say that pet canines do not graze or hunt for their meals; they consume food they are given a few times per day, and most are okay with what they are fed. However, some dogs may have more problems with the food you choose for them to eat in their bowl, either with the type of food or there might also be an issue with the bowl itself.

Some dogs knock over their food bowl before eating, which may be due to discomfort with the bowl or feeling territorial. Dogs may also prefer more privacy during mealtime or dislike whiskers touching the bowl. Using a wider or flatter dish and providing extra space during mealtime may help. Metal bowls can be noisy, so consider switching to a less loud option. You may also consider changing your dog's diet. when in doubt your vet is your best bet.

  • Anita Johnson-Brown|The Los Angeles News
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