The Early Morning Grouch: A Not-So-Glamorous Start to the Day


Have you ever woken up in the early hours of the morning, only to find yourself feeling like a grumpy, sleep-deprived grouch? Well, if you can relate, then you're not alone. I, too, have experienced this phenomenon countless times. It seems that when I wake up at 5 am to go to the bathroom, my mood takes a nosedive, and I become an unpleasant tyrant for a little while. In this blog post, I want to share my experiences and shed some light on why some of us struggle with being morning people.

As I stumble my way to the bathroom in the dark, my thoughts are often a jumble of things. I find myself thinking about my loved ones and reflecting on my relationship with God, although not necessarily in any particular order. However, my primary motivation during these early morning excursions is to get back to sleep as quickly as possible. This means that I'm not interested in engaging in any activities that might require my full attention or mental energy. It's a race against time to return to the comfort of my bed, and anything that delays that process is met with resistance.

Now, I must confess that I am not, by any means, a morning person. If I were to have a roommate, they would quickly discover that I am not the best person to share a living space within the early hours of the day. It's not that I mean to be rude or unpleasant, but there's something about those early morning moments that turn me into a bit of a tyrant and a grump. So, if we happen to cross paths during this time, and I don't say a cheerful "good morning," please don't take it personally. It's not about you; it's about my desperate desire to remain in my pre-awake bubble for as long as possible.

 The Morning Struggle

When I'm in the early morning grouch mode, the last thing I want is to engage in conversation or perform any tasks that require me to be mentally present. My mind is still foggy, and my body is yearning for the warmth of my bed. It's as if my brain is stuck in a state of semi-consciousness, unwilling to fully wake up and participate in the world around me. So, if you happen to be the person I'm in love with, well, that's a different story. Love has a way of piercing through the early morning grumpiness, and I find myself willing to break my usual routine for that special someone. But for everyone else, please understand that it's not personal; it's just my way of coping with the waking hours.

Interestingly enough, my children seem to share this propensity for being grumpy in the morning. It's as if it's in our family DNA. We've come to accept this about ourselves, and we've learned not to take offense when one of us is less than pleasant in the early hours. It's not a reflection of who we are as people; it's simply a temporary state of being that we need to navigate before we can fully embrace the day ahead. So, to all the early risers out there who have encountered our morning grouchiness, please don't be offended. We're good people; we just need a little extra time to wake up properly.

Now, you might be wondering if there's anything that can be done to combat this early morning grouchiness. Well, I wish I had a magic solution to offer, but the truth is, some of us are just wired this way. However, I have found that incorporating a few gentle rituals into my morning routine can help ease the transition from grumpy grouch to a more pleasant version of myself. Whether it's savoring a cup of coffee in silence or taking a few moments to stretch and breathe deeply, these small acts of self-care can make a significant difference in how I approach the day ahead.

Embracing the Morning

While I may never become a morning person in the traditional sense, I have come to appreciate the beauty that lies in the early hours of the day. There's a certain stillness and quietness that can only be found before the world fully awakens. It's a time when the sky is painted with hues of pink and orange, and the air carries a sense of possibility. By embracing these moments and allowing myself to be fully present in them, I have discovered a newfound sense of peace and gratitude.

So, if you happen to encounter an early morning grouch like me, I hope this blog post has provided some insight into our peculiar behavior. Please remember that it's not personal and that underneath the grogginess, we are good-hearted individuals just trying to navigate the world before we've had our proper dose of caffeine. And if you happen to be one of those rare morning people, well, consider yourself lucky. Cherish those early morning moments, for they hold a unique magic that is lost on us grumpy soulsp>

As I wrap up this post, I want to express gratitude for your understanding. It's not easy to be fully awake and present in the early hours, and sometimes, we all need a little extra grace. So, let's embrace our morning grouchiness, accept it for what it is, and give ourselves permission to wake up in our own time. After all, life is too short to rush through the mornings. Let's savor the stillness, the quiet, and the magic that lies within the early hours. Good morning to you, whenever it may be!

-By Anita Johnson-Brown|The Los Angeles News

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