providing a safe holiday season for your pets is important, here are five recommendations:


According to U.S. Service Dog, here are some tips to keep in mind when decorating your home during the holiday season and keeping your dog safe:

1. Opt for artificial mistletoe and holly instead of real plants as they can be poisonous to animals. Artificial plants will also last longer.

2. Create a secure and familiar area for your pooch to retreat to in case the excitement or presence of guests becomes overwhelming. This space should be away from Christmas decorations.

3. Avoid using tinsel as a decoration as it has a tendency to end up everywhere, including in your dog's digestive tract. To prevent this potential issue, refrain from using tinsel.

4. Be alert when your pup is near the Christmas tree or any lit candles. Ornaments and decorative lights may be tempting for chewing, and a curious nose or a happy tail could accidentally knock over a burning candle, becoming a fire hazard. To mitigate this risk, consider using flameless electric candles.

5. Do not place candies and other edible gifts or treats on or under the tree. Furthermore, ensure that candies are stored in containers that are easily accessed by pets.

Happy Holidays

By Anita Johnson-Brown|The Los Angeles News

Photo: Bruce Wayne a certified registered Service Dog, courtesy of The Los Angeles News.

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