1. Evil penetrates through the bone, and evil-doers seem to get away with deeds of dirt, wrong-doing, defamation, and scandal, for an eternity, but they do have their time, and when the justice of good comes calling, it seeks its revenge, in a terminology, known as the circle of the go and come around.
2. Sowing good seeds produce good fruit, however, everyday life events will be a part of all our lives.
3. Money does not buy love, it buys the love of company.
4. Being alone can cause a feeling of isolation and loneliness, but taking time to get to know oneself, is the ultimate gift of self-love.
As the leaves fall from the tree in their due season, so does the replenishing of the earth in the blooming forces of nature.
Anita Brown's Commentary—Anita Brown's Commentary is my opinion, about the facts of life and other subjects of matter, and the words written are not meant to persuade how you choose to live.,or think.