
Day 25 of 31 Days of Love

The doors of History remain open to some on the exact day Christ was born, to my knowledge, studies, and research I discovered that date is believed to be April 6.

As a tradition in my family, we celebrate Christmas on December 25 and extend gifts as a gesture of love, that gift may not always be a material gift, we celebrate the love towards mankind and each other, platonically of course. sine this day is observed for the birth of Christ. Here's a verse to get you through the day.

  • “Heavenly Father, we thank you and are the most gracious and precious gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
    • who came into the world to save us from our sins, as we honor today and everyday with praise and glory.
  • He is the giver of peace and the meaning of love. Amen.”

Written by Anita Johnson-Brown

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