
Anita Brown's Commentary

Morning, noon, and night with Anita Johnson-Brown

For me, an early morning cup of my favorite coffee wakes my senses and stirs my soul, giving me an energizing effect, that helps me get thru the day. If you are not into coffee try your favorite tea, sip slowly so you can enjoy the flavor. If noncaffeinated warm drinks and herbal teas are your pleasure, don't resist the temptation of course in moderation. Please drink water, if you have to watch your liquid intake for heath reasons follow your physician's orders.

Eat a healthy lunch so your energy level is not depleted from the mid-day work blues, but of course, if you have a career doing what you love then that situation of work-day blues is minimal

After a long day at work and spending time with the kids, try a soothing bubble bath instead of a shower, this will be relaxing and pleasureful for both men and women.

Dinner and conversation with the one you adore and remember! you should be able to talk about anything on your mind with the one you love, without arguing, listen, understand, and be understood.

If you are single enjoy the time alone to pamper yourself and satisfy your needs, mentally, emotionally, and physically. get in tune with your being.

Bedtime, snuggle up under your favorite blanket and drift off into dreamland.

with Love from Anita

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