
Anita Brown's Commentary

1. I think the age to be considered legally an Adult is 25 for males and females- trusting your intuition, wisdom, and maturity is part of being an adult.

2. Don't let every Tom Dick and Harry, in your life or other places adults with bad intentions want to explore.

3. Guard your heart, loneliness is not the end of the world, get a pen pal and deny visits until you know them for 6 months to a year.

4. Listen to your parents, avoid trouble, and also know that knowledge from experience teaches you lessons.

5. Young ladies keep your clothes on, save your body for marriage and the person who loves you.

6.I attended an event with an ex-co-worker, and she seemed to be extremely friendly with 5 different guys at a seminar for journalism, my co-worker and these guys were discussing their escapades with each other.
When they looked at me they assumed I was like my co-worker. When she introduced me to her boyfriends, I said "hello and then excused myself. At the end of the evening, when they asked me to join them for drinks, I politely said "No thank you! I was called a stuck-up you know what...Be careful of the company you keep, People assume you are like the people you associate with.

7. I want a daughter-in-law and son-in-law worthy to date my children...

8. I associate with people who are caring, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and respectful. If you introduce yourself to me, I don't want to say who heck raised you, rude people make me itch! 

That's all for today
If you disagree with my commentary, let's discuss it.

With Love!
Editor Anita Johnson-Brown

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