
No Sugar-On-Top

Your questions and answered with no sugar coating

Our first question comes from a young lady who wishes to remain anonymous. 

Dear Nita, I want to ask a question about a Celebrity that was accused of sexual harassment, do you really think he did the crime?

Dear anonymous although I am a reporter, and have an unbias opinion, here is my answer.

Why wait until he's almost a hundred years old, ill, and maybe uninterested in intimate attention, to pursue a conviction.
Here are a few reasons

You finally got what you deserve
I need someone to know I was violated.
Violence against anyone should be stopped, speak up and let someone know you are being hurt immediately.

Email your questions @anitajb@authoranitajohnsonbrown.com and I will answer them, with no sugar-on-top answers.

I'm interested
I disagree with this
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